Directory libraries/Modelica 3.2.1/Resources/Images/Electrical/Analog/

Directory Created:
2012-09-04 12:07
Directory Deleted:
2012-10-12 14:31
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

[root]/libraries/Modelica 3.2.1/Resources/Images/Electrical/Analog
                            Folder removed from repo Basic (0 files, 0 lines)
                            Folder removed from repo Lines (0 files, 0 lines)


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change 20 (100.0%) 0 (-) 0.0

Most Recent Commits 2012-10-12 14:31 Rev.: 13340

- New procedure to update MSL 3.2.1: Update the svn:externals revision and run make omlibrary-diff to create the patches. Update the copy in build/lib/omlibrary unless you want to commit the patch upstream to (only possible if you have an account there)

0 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • libraries/Modelica 3.2.1/Resources/Images/Electrical/Analog: ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch1.png (del), ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch2.png (del), IdealIntermediateSwitch1.png (del), IdealIntermediateSwitch2.png (del), OLine.png (del), ULine.png (del), arrangement.png (del), segment.png (del), segment_first.png (del), segment_last.png (del) 2012-09-04 12:07 Rev.: 12772

- Changed from an MSL based on 3.2 to 3.2.1
- Should not break the testsuite
- Will break the testsuite

0 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • libraries/Modelica 3.2.1/Resources/Images/Electrical/Analog: ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch1.png (new), ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch2.png (new), IdealIntermediateSwitch1.png (new), IdealIntermediateSwitch2.png (new), OLine.png (new), ULine.png (new), arrangement.png (new), segment.png (new), segment_first.png (new), segment_last.png (new)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0